Sunday, May 16, 2010

Headband Happy!!

SO, even though I'm pretty terrified of total rejection, I've been thinking that (perhaps) I should make a website and sell the types of bows/headbands that I make for my girls. ("make a website" = someone who knows how to do such things make one for me???) I am madly in love with all of their hair accessories, and I compare them to other handmade hair-things that I find on Etsy.........I think they are comparable. BUT, of course I love them - I made them! Who's to say that others will enjoy them as well. So, since I am afraid of everything, I'm pretty scared of going through the work to sell them, and then having no one want them :( We will see. The wheels are spinning. In the meantime, here are some samples/pictures of my cutie-pies for your viewing pleasure:
I didn't make her tutu. (Though I think I could have.) I just cut some of the tulle and stole some petals for the headband.

whoops. I just realized this is upside-down. Sorry :/

Two of my fav's so far!!!! (Usually I would not use string pearls...but they went with their outfits.)

She really loves her Daddy! :-)

1 comment:

  1. I bet I could figure out how to make you an etsy shop! Who cares if it doesn't work out, EVERYONE has an etsy shop! It's not a major commitment.
    You should totally do it!!!
    I'm envisioning SAHM + Etsy greatness!
