The pacifier, however, is a slightly different situation. I say "slightly" because I believe that I could successfully take it from her now, but we've chosen not to. Let's give some background, then tell you why...
I'm not a huge fan of the gosh-darn "bink" to start with, so both of my daughters were only given one to use for sleeping purposes only from the time they were born. It stays in the crib and only comes out when she'll have to sleep in the car.
I've posted a few times about how happy Amy is, and I'm convinced she truly is the "Happiest Baby on the Block." She occupies herself with toys for longer than I thought possible, she's a great eater, she is on a great sleep schedule,'s the best part...when I put her in her crib, she puts herself to sleep!!!!
The only thing is..she really likes that bink. She finds it, pops it in, and falls right to sleep. When she's perfect in every other area, how could I take away her one guilty pleasure? (.........especially when I have to return to school in one month.)
So, for now, Amy will continue to use this bink.
...and for the record...I realize that the general public might care .01% about the status of Amy's bink ;)
Secondly - here are some sneak-peaks of what's in the works for this mega-party we are having next week and one little reminder of what lil Miss Amy looked like on her way home from the hospital almost one year ago...

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