Tuesday, March 24, 2015

3 years went fast!

Today I turn 33. When I turned 25, I was preparing to deliver our oldest daughter. My purpose in life was to have babies. As soon as a baby was born, I got my body back in shape and prepared to have another. Before I knew it, we had three beautiful daughters, and our family was complete.

Since I knew that we were done having babies, I tried to hold on to every second of every stage. I forgot to worry that much about getting back into shape since I wasn't preparing for another pregnancy.  Somewhere along the way, I really stopped caring about the number on the scale and whether or not my pre-pregnancy skinny jeans fit. I was proud of my body and thankful that it created our three amazing daughters.

But, our baby is turning three. Three years have passed since I delivered her. The time has come for me to care again. So, for my birthday, I am giving myself a mission. I doubt I'll ever have the same mindset that I had in college about being skinny. I don't use the word diet or weigh myself a million times (in front of my children at least.) I have three daughters - that means I have three little people that I must set a good example for.

I want my daughters to grow up in a household where eating is fun but healthy and exercise is a part of life.

SO - to hold myself accountable for this adventure I'm taking, I'll be posting photos on Instagram each day for 30 days. The photos won't always be me exercising, but they'll include some proof that it's happening.  Wish me luck and check in to see how I'm doing!! :-)

1 comment:

  1. Such a good mission! I still struggle with this, but occasionally the clouds part and it is so nice to realize that "Skinny" is dumb! ;) I'm looking forward to having this as an excuse to see you every day on IG! :)
