Saturday, June 20, 2015

Piyo - two weeks in....

Piyo is DIFFERENT than most workouts I've done. As soon as I start thinking that the workout is a waste of time and nothing is happening, I realize that my legs or abs or shoulders are on FIRE and I want to collapse to the ground!

So far, my schedule has consisted of the following workouts:

ALIGN: Don't get excited. You'll probably be confused. This is 40 minutes of teaching terms and positions. It's not an actual workout. Consider it an "off day."

DEFINE LOWER BODY & UPPER BODY: 18 minutes long each. You probably won't get sweaty. It's not incredibly difficult. Just go with it. She knows what she's talking about.

SWEAT: Great! It's a little longer than 30 minutes and it involves burpees ;) You'll feel productive and will sweat!

CORE: Hello abs! The side plank sequence and I are not friends yet. We're working on our relationship.

BUNS: More like BUNS and LEGS, LEGS, LEGS!!! Shaking legs and dripping sweat. Yes, you'll feel proud when you're done!

I can't wait to get to the rest of them..... check back in a few weeks for a review of the rest.

PS. Piyo LOVES tricep push-ups!

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