Monday, May 24, 2010


Raise your hand if you do the following:

After, virtually, every conversation I engage myself in, I do an instant-replay of the situation after I walk away... or on the drive home... or as I'm falling asleep at night... etc. I always wonder..

-Did I talk about ME/MY children too much?
-Was I a good listener?
-Did I pay quality attention to what the other person was saying?
-Was I polite?
-Was I dismissive of the other person's feelings, opinions, ideas, etc.?
-Did I show that I really did care?
-Was I mean or nice?

Please tell me that there are others out there like me. I wish I was a "slow-talker." I feel like I'm always rushing myself and not allowing for good quality conversation. Hmm. Maybe this is another example of how I think too much.


  1. ALWAYS. :)
    But you are always:
    a) a good listener
    b) polite
    c) not dismissive
    d) caring
    e) nice
