This is now! A total "grown-up kid!" It amazes me how she's changed in just one year's time. One year ago, she could say 40 words. We counted. Now, she can hold a complete conversation with any friendly volunteer. We were psyching ourselves up to begin potty-training, and now she's been trained for almost one year. But the most exciting part is below....

This is Addison and her cousin Bailey. They are two years apart, and so until recently, playing often had to be guided by a parent because I was nervous to let her go by herself. They had a sleepover last weekend, and they played together for hours with virtually no guidance from me. They played Mr. Potato Head, "gymnastics show," hide-and-seek., coloring, and who knows what else with no trouble or fighting the entire time!
I was so proud of and happy for my little girl :) But, of course she would correct me if she heard that because as she tells me everyday..."I a grown-up kid now!"

This stage of growing independence is great.....except when we are walking around the neighborhood. Addy confidently believes that any child, regardless of age or gender, that we see is her friend. "Hi, boy!!!" "Hi, girl! It's me, Addy!" "Hi!! You play with my toys?!?!" Hi! I can ride your bike!?!?" These are the things that she says, rather loudly, during walks through the neighborhood. Aw ;)
A few of the other funny things we've been hearing lately...
1. {after opening the refrigerator, but before getting permission to do so and fearing a punishment in her future..."Mommy, you aaa-sk me to open this fridge?"
2. {after "doing her hair" or dressing herself in an "outfit"} "I look awesome??" "Thanks!" OR "I gonna look so date?!?!" (date = great)
3. "Old miss donna had a farm...e, i, e, i, o!" {Her dance teacher is Miss Donna. I guess "Old McDonald" and "Miss Donna" sound too similar??}
4. {after walking across the whole house with, either, Bob's or my shoes on...} "Okay, I already set!"
5. {while "doing the dishes" aka playing in the sink with water and the clean, unbreakable dishes I put in there for her...} "Mommy, Daddy, I'm busy. I have a yot to do!"
6. Mommy or Daddy: "Maybe." Addison: "That mean 'yes!??!?"
7. {after getting corrected for doing something..} "You happy now??" "You not sad an-yyy-more?"
8. "sip-slops!" aka flip-flops!
She's awesome!
AWWWWWW! This makes my day! I'm so glad you posted the Addy-isms. She is one funny kid!