Instead, I made these....

PART TWO: Amy is hysterical. I've posted before about how much she smiles and how well she sleeps. It's true: she really does smile and sleep A LOT. She's also the funniest baby I've ever met.
First, just take a little peak at the belly on her. Holy Moly, I want to bite it!!! I could stare at it and smile all day long. I'm in love with her belly. and her thighs. and her cheeks. and her ;)
Here, she was playing "peek-a-boo" from behind that little leaf. She gives me this little "sneaky-eye look," then laughs full-force! We did this about 123,435 times. Love it!
This picture is a bad example of what was going on during her first egg eating experience. (yolks, only. no whites until after 1 yr...don't worry!) Anywho.... almost every time she's in her high chair, we play a game called "Mommy-dances-around-like-a-wacko-and-Amy-laughs-hysterically!" That's what we were playing. She just stopped to take an eating break. I do these crazy dances around the kitchen, but her favorite part is when I jump around from facing backward, and tell her "Ta-daaa!!," while doing jazz hands!!! It's fantastic. I get super sweaty and tired. But I do it anyway because her laugh is like an instant energy boost!

This picture is a bad example of what was going on during her first egg eating experience. (yolks, only. no whites until after 1 yr...don't worry!) Anywho.... almost every time she's in her high chair, we play a game called "Mommy-dances-around-like-a-wacko-and-Amy-laughs-hysterically!" That's what we were playing. She just stopped to take an eating break. I do these crazy dances around the kitchen, but her favorite part is when I jump around from facing backward, and tell her "Ta-daaa!!," while doing jazz hands!!! It's fantastic. I get super sweaty and tired. But I do it anyway because her laugh is like an instant energy boost!
Really?!?!? Shouldn't she be on a poster?
She loves blueberries. And she loves life! Can't you tell?
She says "da.." or "hi da!" when she sees Bob. But not only when she sees Bob. She also says it when I say, "Amy...say 'ma!" tee-hee :) She loves her Daddy. So do I!
When it is time for nap or bedtime, she says, "nuh-nuh, nuh-nuh..." :)
I think I've heard her say "Ad" and "Add-y" a few times. Randomly though. Still adorable.
Finally - this is my favorite thing about Amy. (And, I think she has only does this with me...which gives me butterflies.... and makes me a little teary-eyed...and makes me fall in love with her all over again each time she does it...) .....
..I always walk over to her when she's sitting on the floor playing, in the high chair, in her jumper, etc and lean in to give her a kiss. Get ready for this...(it doesn't happen every time, so it's super exciting when it does happen..)....she reaches her arms out and pulls me in for a kiss then gives me a hug. Oh.my.goodness.
I really, really this family I've been given.
PS. I love this picture because of how cute they are together. Like little toddler buddies eating their breakfast.
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