Warning: I don't have any credits for these photos... :/ I'm going to post them anyway and hope for the best...
First, look at these utensil rolls. Are you kidding me?!??!? They are SO easy to make, and they look WONNNNDERFUL! You can bet your bottom dollar that Amy will have "Amy's 1st Birthday Luau"-themed utensil rolls at her party.

Now, Holy Moly! Where to start!!! My eyes smile, my heart sings, and my desire for all things to match is in heaven! Striped wrapping paper as a back-drop! Matching fondant stripes on the cake!! Belly-bands around the glass jars to match the utensil rolls!!! Jimmies (aka sprinkles) on the marshmallows!!!! The tissue paper flowers popping out of the jelly bean jars!!!!! The cute little words.."laugh" and "love!!!!!!" The wrapped boxes to create tiers on the table!!!!!!! Omigosh I am in LOVE!!!!!!!!
Okay, the last one. While there isn't a whole lot going on here in comparison to the previous picture.....people: this is SYMMETRICAL PARADISE!!! Don't you just want to smile when you see this? And say, "thank you, Miss Party Host, for taking the time to make your table perfectly symmetrical!" ::GASP!:: YOU DON'T?!?!?!?! Well, I do! I love it!
For the record, I do acknowledge that I am a total weirdo. Certainly a party is a party. And any child will be excited about any type of special day planned for him/her....heck, a one year old may not even know the special day is for him/her. But, to me, taking the extra effort to plan and implement these little details is the most exciting and important part! and during the hunting and gathering stage, my mind is free from stress as I gaze at these gorgeously symmetrical and coordinating pictures ;-)

haha! I love you! I wish we could be there! I would admire all your symmetrical-ness. I love the pink in all those pictures. fab-u-lous. :)