Saturday, May 9, 2015

Unperfect Attendance and Family Fun

Our children are involved in a lot of activities. I think activities are important for a variety of reasons, but finding balance is tricky. As a parent and a teacher, commitment is a big deal to me. I want my children to know that if they are a part of a class or team, they must respect the teacher/coach and the team/class by showing up, working hard, and making it count. Attendance is obviously a huge part of that.

Sister Photo 2015

However, various school events come up that I want them to experience, but they have to miss their other obligations because of them. Do I let them skip practice or do I make them be fully committed?

Sometimes it's not an event that we skip for. Sometimes they are just too tired. It's obvious as soon as they get off the bus that they need a rest day. Do I say - grab a Red Bull and let's go? No - they stay home because their little bodies need a day off.

I struggle with knowing when it's okay to skip and when skipping is setting a bad example for the future. This week we skipped dance because we went to their school's annual carnival. Last night they skipped their track meet because they were too tired. (Of course they deny their exhaustion, but their exhaustion-induced, demon like behaviors give them away every time.)

At this point, their absence from activities really doesn't matter. It's not like their absence from track is affecting anyone's potential high school scholarship. When DOES it matter though? I let them skip when they need to now because they are so little, but these conflicting events will keep happening. They will keep getting tired, but one day they won't be little anymore. Will I know when it matters? Or will I be the mom that lets them skip things "because they need to"... and then they turn into the college kids that skip class all semester... and then the employees who call out of work too much?

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