Saturday, May 2, 2015

You're a what?!?!?

I'm a Beachbody Coach. Here I am:

Seriously though, I didn't even know that Beachbody coaching was a thing. I found out when I was purchasing my 21 Day Fix. If I signed up to be a coach, I got the package and all of future Shakeology and workout programs at a discount. It made so much sense. BUT, as I was filling out the coaching form and buying my Challenge Pack, here's the convo that went down between my Self-Conscious and me:

Me: "It makes so much sense to buy this package as a discount coach."
SC: "Really? C'mon. Who are you going to "coach? You can't stop eating potato chips."
Me: "I'm never going to tell anyone about it. I'm just doing it for the discount."
SC: "Because let's be real. If you told anyone, they'd say... 'say whaaat?!?!' You can't blame baby weight on your far from perfect physique since your 'baby' is about to start pre-school!"
Me: "You're right. Shut up!"

So my self-conscious way right. My secret's out. That's not ACTUALLY my head on that bikini bod up there. SURPRISE!!!!!

Here I am. With my "baby" on her 3rd birthday. 

I am not a personal trainer. I am not a nutritionist. I'm not an expert at anything, in any category. BUT, I have been following the Beachbody philosophy for some time now. I have begun my journey to a healthy lifestyle, but I don't have a destination. I have a mindset. I feel healthy. I feel strong. I don't necessarily have a weight loss goal or a pant size goal. My goal is to stay consistent. I won't hear myself saying "wow, I really need to start exercising again," because I don't plan on stopping.

I "outed" myself as a coach by accident. I was really enjoying my first round of 21 Day Fix and then I was REALLY enjoying my lovely P90X3. For anyone that knows me personally, I am a TALKER. I talk about everything and anything that I love. I talked about my experience, and here's the crazy part -- People actually cared! They had questions! They valued what I was saying! They wanted to experience this for themselves!! Before I knew it, I had a whole list of challengers and a growing team of coaches - BOOM! and just like that, I'm a Beachbody Coach!

If a Beachbody program or coaching sounds like something you are interested in, fill out the attached application. I would love for you to be there with me and the rest of my group for our lifelong journey to health and fitness!!


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